In recent years we have witnessed the appearance of numerous companies that have explored the topic of private air transport with increasing interest. New generation drones have been introduced by large and new groups. We too believe that this is the future, but we have imagined a completely different product from a functional and, consequently, aesthetic point of view. This is our No-blades concept drone: 2020 EPTA Design PARSIFAL

After the technical analysis (later in this presentation) we collected some inspirational images to trace the stylistic direction.

This project is an exercise in non-profit style that belongs to EPTA Design, but we thought it interesting to imagine a non-science fiction product. PARSIFAL was born from the analysis of existing technology on the market. Specifically, we imagined that the "JETPACK AVITION USA" ( https://jetpackaviation.com/ All trademark rights are reserved), an incredible and historic American company could hypothetically exploit its incredible technology to develop this product. The study of the logo, in addition, provided some stylistic elements that are evident on the final product.

The central turbine sucks the air from above (slightly inclined angle) and expels it at very high pressure from the 4 legs.
Each nozzle is independent to guarantee maneuverability and maximum stability.

The Parsifael is a special vehicle, its finishes are precise and refer to a real luxury item. FLY with glamur