Following several rumors of a possible return of ALFA ROMEO to the F1 world, EPTA design wants to pay tribute to Alfa's history and specifically to BRABHAM BT46 DISCLAMER Some of the names, logos, and brands mentioned and shown in these drawings are trademarks owned by their respective owners. All right reserved. All the the names, logos, and brands used them for illustrative purposes only and are not used for profit. Illustrations, art and design by EPTA Design ltd London.

40 years after the revolutionary, maybe too innovative, BRABHAM BT46 developed by Gordon Murray for the Bernie Ecclestone racing team, EPTA design wants to cheer on this formidable single-seater, leaving room for the imagination of the modern transposition of that single-seater and giving our answer to the affectionate questions raised by "WHAT IF ...?" thought.
All this has given birth to the Alfa Romeo 2018 Brabham EVO 2018that we present here "

Here are a few sketches of research on a basic architectural layout. The bottom sketch shows the main features we find in the final design that we have developed

A racing car is a delicate project. Function and performance are indispensable elements, without compromise every technical detail affect the final design. The details are fundamental

The racing car is in constant balance between an object that must be glued to the ground, but it must move at high speeds.
Reverse wing, superimposed surfaces are some of the solutions.

The style work seeks to integrate all the complex (and sophisticated) aerodynamic and mechanical solutions into a balance of components, their shape, and their function.

One of the main features, probably the most important and controversial aerodynamic solution, is the rear compressor (vent) that can aspirate and convey the air. The strong pressure generated, pastes the machine to the ground, but also creates a strong rear turbulence which, due to the turbulence created on other machines, has made it illegal. In the future imagined by EPTA, this solution will be allowed.

Another feature of the Brabham was the particular configuration of radiators. additional radiators were installed in sandwish of the lateral wings joining the cooling function to the aerodynamic solution to increase the downforce.

The top view of the car seat reveals many other features of our design. -Mobile rear wing - Double shark fin creates an air channel with 4 active vertical walls. - Pilot protection / dome

The innovation, the imagination of EPTA Design has allowed to project legends of the past into a new future.